b'AUDIENCE PROFILEJON TAFFERS AUDIENCE REGULARLY PARTAKE IN NIGHTLIFE ACTIVITIES9.5 timesmore likely to be to be interested incocktails5.8 timesmore likely to be to be interested ingambling5.3 timesmore likely to be to be interested inRI\x03HMRMRK5 timesmore likely to be to be interested in livefantasy sports4.7 timesmore likely to be to be interested incooking4 timesmore likely to be interested inhomebrewing3.5 timesmore likely to be interested in casualdining2.5 timesmore likely to be to be interested intravelHis followers are tremendously interested in the nightlife categories that Jon actively works in. His followers EJRMXMIW\x03JSV\x03XLIWI\x03EVIEW\x03MRHMGEXIW\x03XLEX\x03LI\x03LEW\x03E\x03XVYI\x03XEPIRX\x03JSV\x03IRKEKMRK\x03[MXL\x03VIPIZERX\x03GSRWYQIVW\x03ERH\x03XLEX\x03LMW\x03business ventures are likely to appeal to his online fans.42(EXE\x03VIIGXW\x03MRXIVIWXW\x03SJ\x03XLIMV\x03JSPPS[IVW\x03EGVSWW\x038[MXXIV\x10\x03-RWXEKVEQ\x10\x03ERH\x03*EGIFSSO\x03'