b"PUBLICATIONSAUTHORED BOOKSRaise the Bar Dont BS Yourself 8LI\x034S[IV\x03SJ\x03'SRMGXRaise the Bar distills theTaffer breaks excuses down intoMost people try their best to secrets to running asix major categories, illustratingEZSMH\x03GSRMGX\x12\x03-XW\x03IEW]\x03XS\x03XLMRO\x03successful enterprise withthem with real-life examples suchthat the key to a happy workplace Reaction Management, aas Marcus Luttrell, the loneor marriage is to keep the peace strategy and philosophysurvivor of a SEAL team missionand put confrontation off Taffer developed and usesMR\x03%JKLERMWXER\x10\x03ERH\x03'LVMWXMRI\x03/MRK\x10\x03 altogether. But, as Taffer knows in his business and on BarJSYRHIV\x03ERH\x03')3\x03SJ\x03\x03=SYV\x03&IWX\x03 FIWX\x10\x03GSRMGX\x03MW\x03E\x03XVERWJSVQEXMSREP\x03Rescue. It works whether youreFit, who built a successful companytool-if you know how and when to running a storefrontdespite being paralyzed in ause it. If navigated strategically, it has operation or a web-basedLSVVMG\x03NIX\x03WOM\x03EGGMHIRX\x12\x038LIWI\x03 the power to change minds, engage company, whether youreinspiring stories, combined withothers, and create the energy manufacturing widgets orTaffers own experiences, will givenecessary to move forward, providing a service. ]SY\x03XLI\x03GSRHIRGI\x03XS\x03MHIRXMJ]\x03ERH\x03 whether individually or on the face your own excuses head-on. [SVPH\x03WXEKI\x12\x03'SRMGX\x10\x03PMOI\x03ER]\x03skill, is a muscle that needs to be built through practice."