Jon Taffer is used to making the best out of any situation. As the host of “Bar Rescue” on Spike and with three decades of experience in the hospitality industry, Taffer helps give failing establishments one last chance to transform themselves into profitable businesses–and he stopped by “Good Morning America” this morning to do the same for your tailgate.
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Read on for his tips on hosting the easiest, tastiest tailgate party as we head into the heart of football season.
1. Pick the Right Grill: Use an Infrared Gas Barbecue; it’s 30 percent faster than other grills, much hotter and with greater temperature control and portable.
2. Marinate Your Food: Use Asian or horseradish-based marinades and inject directly into the meat with a syringe. You can also inject cheese, garlic and spices.
3. Dress Your Buns: Forget plain buns. Add more flavor to your meal with artisan buns, baguette buns, onion rolls or bridge rolls on your hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage.
4. Keep Cool: Always bring two coolers, one for food and one for beverages. Never mix drinks and cooked foods with raw foods to prevent cross contamination. Try an electric cooler for the food to avoid melting ice.
5. Make Your Signature Item: Try punch for example, which has just five ingredients. Punch it up by using food coloring to match your team colors. For example, if you’re a Green Bay Packers fan, make green punch studded with yellow lemons.